
Welcome to the Blog of the Class Secondary 1 Beethoven of NHJIPS

Friday, July 30, 2010

Chinese Letter 2

The following will be exactly like the letter:

29 July 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians


Greetings! There are things we would like to share with you:

Week 1-2, we have completed:

Chapter 1: What is your surname? 

               -     New vocabulary of Chapter 1.

               -     Vocabulary Exercise 1.

               -     Workbook of Chapter 1.

               -     Weekly Journal 1.

Week 3-4, we will have:

               -  Chapter 2:

               -  Vocabulary of Chapter 2.

               -  Workbook of Chapter 2.

               -  Practice on Reading aloud 2. 

Gentle Note:

  • Please prepare a yellow Chinese Language ring file. Any Chinese Language Worksheet, notes or papers must be filed in this file. The file can only be cleared of items to be stored in another file at midyear. The file will have a table of contents page for the students to organize their work more efficiently.
  • A few students are going to have iPSLE for 2 weeks; i hope they will be able to catch up with the syllabus.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Pei Pei 

Chinese facilitators

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chinese Letter 1

The following will be exactly like the letter:

19 July 2010

Dear Parents/Guardians


My name is Ms. Li Pei Pei but in class, the students call me Ms. Pei Pei. I have been a Chinese teacher for more than 4 years in Singapore and it is such an honor to be a part of the NH family for this academic year. I am very pleased to be informed you that I will be teaching your son/daughter/ward for this academic year. I am looking forward to be working with you and your child in reaching his or her full potential. I firmly believe that communication is an important key to achieving one's goal, so if you wish to see me and if you have questions or any concerns, I will contact you by phone, send a note home, or Email you.

Greeting! There are things we would like to share with you:

Week 1, we have completed:

Chapter 1: What is your surname?

- New vocabulary of Chapter 1
- Vocabulary exercise 1.

Topics to be covered for next week

Chapter 1: What is your surname?
- Review vocabulary of Chapter 1
- Workbook of Chapter 1
- The format of personal letter
- Practice on Reading aloud 1

General Note:

Please prepare a Yellow Chinese Language ring file. Any Chinese Language Worksheets, notes or papers must be filled in this file. The file can only be cleared of items to be stored in another file at midyear. The file will have a table of contents page for the students to organize their work more efficiently.

A few students are going to Singapore for 2 weeks; I hope they will be able to catch up with their syllabus.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Pei Pei
Chinese facilitators

Ms. Li Pei Pei's Introduction Letter

The following will be exactly like the letter:

Dear Parents of Sec1 Beethoven Parents,

My name is Ms. Li Pei Pei and I will be the class mentor for your son or daughter. I will also be their Chinese teacher. Our first week has moved by very quickly. The students seem to be getting back into the school routine.

I have handed out a few letters this week including drop off and pick up procedures, CCA sign up and timetables. I have also attached the student time table to this email for your reference. If you have yet to receive any of these letters please let me know and I will get them to you as soon as possible.

Below are some expectation that i have put place for Science:

1) Students must have with them their Science books (including note book provided by the school) on days they are to have Science class.
a. Students must also bring with them a Green file to hold their Science Worksheets and handouts. The file must be capable of holding double hole punched papers.

2) Students will need a red pen in order to do corrections. All of my corrections will be in green.

3) Any Chinese Language Worksheets, notes or papers must be filled in the yellow Chinese Language file. The file can only be cleared of items to be stored in another file at midyear. The file will have a table of contents page for the students to organize their work more efficiently.

4) Absenteeism
a. If a student is absent for a test, the student must submit a medical certified and then will sit as as soon as possible to do the paper.
b. If a student misses an important practical ( Activity), they will be given time to catch it up.

5) Late submissions
a. Late items within 3 days get half credit
b. Beyond 3 days 0 credit unless a valid reason is given.

Please note that on Friday students regular time table ends at 1:45 PM and students are dismissed.

If you need to contact me for any reason i am readily available by Email: lipeipei@nh.piagetacademy.org and by phone 085695001629.

Pei Pei

Ms. Li Pei Pei
Mentor and S1B Chinese Teacher.

Update: Please note that it suppose to be 1:45 PM not 1:15 PM as when the letter was being made, the new time table is not ready yet.

Thank You,


Welcome to the Blog of Secondary 1 Beethoven of NHJIPS (National High Jakarta International Prestige School). In this blog, Parents of the Class Secondary 1 Beethoven will be able to see letters about the class etc... I will update the blog every Saturday. Ms. Li Pei Pei (our class mentor) and I will do our best to keep you guys with the latest news of all the subject

Thank You,